Helping people encounter Christ and advancing the Church in New England

Although New England is one of the most secular regions of the United States, we believe it is the desire of every heart to know God.

When you partner with Berea Ministries, you create opportunities for children, teens, adults, and families to experience God in new ways, while supporting and advancing the Church in an often-difficult ministry landscape.

Your support provides New Englanders with:

  • Formative experiences that shape them spiritually, emotionally, and vocationally 
  • A safe place to belong 
  • Lifelong memories with loved ones
  • Opportunities to encounter Christ and take their first or next step of faith 
  • Deeper connections with God, others, and the larger Body of Christ
  • Stronger local churches 
  • Life transformation in Christ

This is a tremendous undertaking, a vision that is far beyond our reach. This is why we are always looking for people who are heading in the same direction. We call these people “partners”—people who embrace the same values and mission to live out the Great Co-Mission together.

Without your partnership, Berea Ministries could not do what it does. That is why we, just like Paul in Philippians 1:5, thank God each day for those who walk with us. If you are on or are looking for an incredible journey- a way to see God work- we would love to have you join us. 


Give to the Ministry

God has blessed Berea with significant growth over the last several years, and it’s our prayer to keep expanding our mission and reach in New England. When you support the ministry, you equip us to develop new programs and serve our guests in meaningful ways so they can encounter the love of Christ.

Give to a Project

From replacing roofs to installing life-giving water systems, maintaining three physical camp locations requires a lot of support. Giving to a project meets tangible needs at our camps so we can continue to offer hospitality to our neighbors. If you have a special connection with one of our camp locations, giving to a project could be perfect for you.

Become a Guardian

This inner circle of committed, regular donors sustains and protects the mission and ministry today and tomorrow through ongoing support. Become a part of the core team of Berea partners and shape the future of the ministry through your faithful and life-changing impact.


Bold stewardship

Because God has entrusted us with serving what is most precious to him—people—we maximize the time, talents, and treasure provided to us. One of our core values is “bold stewardship,” and we strive to maximize every dollar given to advance the Kingdom of God in New England.


Looking for other ways to partner with Berea Ministries? Whether you choose to give financially or not, we cherish your time, talents, and prayers. 


We believe in the power of prayer and are so grateful when you bring Berea Ministries before God for his wisdom, strength, and spirit. You can join our prayer team and be part of this community providing spiritual support to the ministry. 

Join the prayer team


Want to stay up-to-date with what is going on at Berea Ministries and unique opportunities to get involved? Email us at ; we’d love to connect with you.

View volunteer opportunities


As a non-profit ministry, we need volunteers year-round who can join us on a missional adventure and help with maintaining facilities, running programs, and growing the ministry through their God-given skills. View a list of opportunities below or reach out to us at to talk with someone about how you can use your gifts to serve.

View volunteer opportunities

Your partners in life transformation

As a supporter of Berea Ministries, you are part of our team and our family, and we are here for you. If you have questions or needs, or would simply like to connect, please feel free to reach out to a member of our advancement team at any time.

Nate Parks

President/CEO of Berea Ministries

Susie Batchelder Bosley

Advancement Officer